*Under the Residency & School Attendance Eligibility Requirement, Only 1 proof of Residence is required for registration (not 3)
*Be sure to scroll to bottom of forms/waivers and fill required fields to continue during registration.
*Scroll down this page to find your desired division/level of play.
There are only 2 possible exceptions to these age guidelines:
1. Tee Ball Only- eligible players may play up a level if:
-Player has played at least 1 year of tee ball within Sherman Park Little League
-Player is at least League Age 6
-Parents and player are confident they can thrive at the next level.
-Parent is willing to sign a safety waiver for play above the Little League recommended level
2. Peer Play - Any player may level up to play with their peers in their current grade if:
-Player is born in the months of September thru November Only.
-Parent is willing to sign a safety waiver for play above the Little League recommended level.
For consideration for either of these exceptions please fully register your player, then email your request to : [email protected]
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