Thank You for considering sponsorship of Sherman Park Little League. It is our hope to continue a tradition of developing athletes’
sportsmanship, character, loyalty as well as baseball/softball skills, as we try to continuously improve a successful program.
Sponsorship is a great way to give back to the community and over 500 of this season’s players. We appreciate your help in making this year a rewarding experience for our players.
While any sponsorship level you select will be greatly appreciated, donations are also welcome.
Reminder: Sherman Park LL is a 501(3)(c) registered non-profit youth sports organization, and as such, your sponsorship is
completely tax deductible.
Our league cannot operate without the generosity of people like you.
We offer 2 sponsorship options:
- Renewal after 1 year
- Your company name on all jerseys of a league team
- Your company name, logo, and link to your website placed on our league sponsorship page
BANNER SPONSOR - 1st year $305, Annual Renewal $150
- Renewal after 1 year
- A custom 4'x4' banner designed for your company or family will be placed on one field along the outfield fence
- Your company name, logo, and link to your website placed on our league sponsorship page
With your check or payment via credit card please provide sufficient info to identify your business.
Make All Checks Payable to: Sherman Park Little League
Mail Pmts to:
Sherman Park Little League
980 Broadway Suite 226
Thornwood, NY 10594
Credit Card Payments via PayPal:
SPLL Sponsorship/Donations Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns:
[email protected]Payment issues can be directed to
[email protected]Thank you in advance for your continued support.
Sherman Park Little League