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Sherman Park Little League

Teaching Kids Baseball & Softball Since 1981

Frequently Asked Questions

Sherman Park Little League Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


1. SportsConnect Parent FAQ's
Add additional email addresses, change/correct player info, username etc.

2.  How do I get access to the GameChanger App used for team mgt & comunications?
Related info is available here:  
Importing Your Team From SportsConnect (SPLL Website)
   - Be sure to use the Game Changer 'New', not'Classic' version.
 - Create your GC account and Sign in with the same email address you used to register your player.
 - If you still can't see your team ask another parent /coach to invite you via the app using your email address.

3.  How do I add a user (i.e. my spouse) to my account so they can see player info/activity?
- sign into the site, click on your account icon, then click on gear icon (settings). Scroll to bottom to add user.

*Technical Support is available directly from GameChanger

  GameChanger Help Center

What if I can't find my team after receiving an invite to GameChanger?


1. How do I know what league age my child is?
League age is determined by your son or daughters age using the Little League Baseball & Softball age charts. Age charts can be found on the SPLL website in the Rules and information tabs for baseball and softball: Little Leage Age

2. Why do I have to provide a copy of my child’s birth certificate at their first registration?
The League needs to verify the age of your child for eligibility purposes and to ensure that they are put into the age appropriate league. 

3. Do I need to provide a copy of my child’s birth certificate every year?
No, only the first year of registration for that particular player. We encourage you to use the on-line registration system to register players after their first year.

4. Can I register a new player on-line?

Yes, However new players must provide a copy of their birth certificate in order to complete registration.

5. Why is registration held so early? Baseball does not start until the Spring?
We start registration during November/December to ensure that we can order uniforms in a timely fashion. Typically it takes two months to get the uniforms ordered. In order to have Sponsor names printed on the back of the shirts, and players matched to their sponsors, teams need to be created by the end of January. Late registrations cause larger teams or players to be wait listed. SPLL wishes to avoid this at all costs. 

6. I am having financial hardship and cannot afford to pay the registration fees.
Please review the option provided by Little League here:   Otherwise send an email to [email protected].  SPLL will not deny a child the chance to play because of hardship. 

7. Can I register on-line and pay by check?
Yes, you can pay by check using the on-line system. Payments must be made promptly before the late registration date or the registration will be considered late and subject to a late fee. Players will not be placed on teams until the registration is paid in full. Late registrations are subject to wait listing. 

8. I was too late for the early registration incentive, can I still get that benefit?
Unfortunately no.  Fees are collected to offset costs of many things from supplies to uniforms.  Some items, like uniforms,  are custom ordered by team/level and have higher costs when we have to rush production to meet deadlines.

9. I am new to town and did not know about registration, do I pay a late fee?

No, new players to the league do not pay a late fee. Wait listing guidelines still apply.

10. I filled out Background information last year. Do I have to do it this year if I want to volunteer?

Yes, this information is required every year. You will not be allowed to volunteer without submitting the required paperwork 

11. My son/daughter is a terrific player for a 6 year old and hits like Babe Ruth.  Can I register him/her for a more advanced league?

Little League Baseball & Softball guidelines limit this activity for development and safety reasons.  Exceptions are available, see notes on the registration page.  Ideally young players should play with players their own age. Competition will come along soon enough.

12. Why is there a registration wait list for Little league?

Wait listing occurs when the number of available players exceeds the number of teams. This happens when not enough parents volunteer to manage a team or the sign up happens after the teams have been created. Players on the wait list can be added to teams if another parent takes a team or a player quits or is injured during the season.

General Information:

13. How are the Minor, Major, & Junior League Baseball teams picked?
Teams are chosen by the respective coaches and managers in an order decided by the League Agent. SPLL strives to ensure balanced teams in the interest of fair play and the respective League Agents reserve the right to make adjustments to balance teams. 

14. When are the drafts held?
The drafts typically occur in the first few weeks of February.  When does the season start? League play typically starts the week after April School vacation. Team practices start at the coach’s discretion, but typically around April 1st.

15. It is Mid-March and I have not heard what team my child is on. What should I do?
Contact the Division Director for that level of baseball/softball.  Their contact information is listed on the web site under “Our Team"  :  Our Team

16.  I want my child to be placed on a team with a neighbor. Can I make that request?

Yes, in the younger age groups we will try to accommodate these requests. Please note on your registration form the player you want to be partnered with. For Minor, Major, Junior League Baseball, Junior League Softball, & Senior League Softball, players are drafted to ensure a balanced League.


17. What equipment do I need to have for Little league?
All Uniforms are provided by SPLL. This includes a hat, shirt, and socks. Grey baseball pants for boys, and black baseball pants for girls softball need to be purchased individually for each child.
The pants are not included. Each player needs to have their own glove and should have rubber cleats. (Juniors and above can wear metal cleats). Bats are provided by SPLL however you should consider purchasing one or sharing with another player.
Protective cups must be worn by all baseball catchers, faceguards must be worn by all softball players, and mouth guards are highly recommended.

18. What size bat is best for my child?
Your child should be able to hold their bat straight out from their body using one arm and should be able to hold it there for 10 seconds. If not, it is too heavy. The bat should not be too long, typically 25-27 inches for ages 5 & 6, 26-28 inches for ages 7 &
8, and 28-31 inches for ages 9-12. Weight should be 20 ounces or less for little league through majors 

Contact Us

Sherman Park Little League

980 Broadway, Suite 226
Thornwood, New York 10594

Email: [email protected]

Sherman Park Little League

980 Broadway, Suite 226
Thornwood, New York 10594

Email: [email protected]
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